Doing funeral flowers differently

made naturally, beautifully and plastic-free

Widening choice in funeral flowers

The Farewell Flowers Directory is a network of independent florists bringing funeral flowers out of the shadows and into the fresh air.

We want you to know that there’s another choice in farewell and sympathy flowers, one which is more natural, meaningful, beautiful and completely free of plastic or floral foam. Our directory links you to a network of independent florists who work from conversations. They will listen to your ideas, stories and memories, and translate them into unique and compostable flowers which reflect a life whilst treading lightly on the planet.

Logo for The Farewell Funeral Flowers Direcotory - helping you to find natural plastic-free funeral flowers nationwide.

Our florists promise to offer funeral flowers that…

are compostable

Arrangements contain no wire or plastic. This means that they use no plastic-based floral foam, plastic trays, plastic tape or synthetic ribbon. Funeral tributes can be 100% compostable and eco-friendly.

are unique

Each floral tribute is built around a conversation about a person, and about which flowers would work beautifully. Created especially for you with no two arrangements ever the same.

contain UK grown flowers and foliage

Arrangements will always include some UK grown flowers and foliage. The greater the proportion of locally grown flowers, the smaller their carbon footprint.

Did you know?

  • This estimate represents just the UK crematorium sector and doesn’t take into account church yards and other floral memorials.

  • The ‘green stuff’ is the basis for most pictorial or 3D floral tributes, and also underpins most floral letters and traditional large arrangements covering the tops of coffins. It’s even still used by many florists to create wreaths and sheaf bouquet style arrangements if you look closely at what lies beneath the flowers. This foam is made from plastics and crumbles down into tiny particles but doesn’t leave the environment. Microplastics will linger in the world for a lot longer than we will. There many less damaging and better alternatives readily available and The Farewell Flowers Directory is here to help you make the switch.

  • Over the past decade awareness of the damaging impact of microplastic waste in the environment has grown - following David Attenborough’s iconic ‘Blue Planet’ series, public attention was suddenly focussed on marine micro-plastic pollution. In 2022 The Royal Horticultural Society banned floral foam use at their flower shows and The General Synod, the Church of England's legislative body, has faced calls for a ban on its use in funeral flowers.

  • How does this happen? After soaking blocks of floral foam, any leftover water and all its tiny green foam particles is most often poured straight down the sink or into a drain and this allows it to work its way into the natural aquatic environment.

Meet the florists:

Why we’re passionate about funeral flowers

A garden gathered style funeral wreath with spring ranunculus and locally grown seasonal flowers in shades of lilac, pink and white, stands on a metal support in a field  of long grass.


We’re aiming to bring more sustainable choices for funeral flowers into the spotlight. Meet farewell florists and their beautiful creations at public events across the UK.

Are you a florist offering more sustainable choices for funeral flowers?